CryptoMonedas | NFT Marketplace

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Buy & Trade Crypto

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$159B Quarterly volume traded
100+ Countries supported
108M+ Verified users

Create your cryptocurrency portfolio today

Start your first trade with these easy steps.

Verify your identity

Complete the identity verification process to secure your account and transactions.

Fund your account

Add funds to your crypto account to start trading crypto. You can add funds with a variety of payment methods.

Start trading

Complete the identity verification process to secure your account and transactions.

Get started in a few minutes

Supports a variety of the most popular digital currencies.

Step 01

Create an account

Once you've set up your wallet of choice, connect it to OpenSeaby clicking the NFT Marketplacein.

Step 02

Link your bank account

Once you've set up your wallet of choice, connect it to OpenSeaby clicking the NFT Marketplacein.

Step 03

Start buying & selling

Once you've set up your wallet of choice, connect it to OpenSeaby clicking the NFT Marketplacein.


Earn up to $13 worth of crypto

Discover how specific cryptocurrencies work — and get a bit of each crypto to try out for yourself.

Start Earning